Your Transformative Experience

We create eco-consious journeys

 As an designer of the TTC, we encourage our participants to travel in a meaningful way, with a thoughtful eye and an open heart.

Pre-Trip Preparation

Before your departure, take some time to set your intentions for your new journey.

What called you to book your retreat or workshop in the African wilderness?

What would you like to accomplish while you are away?

  • Keep in mind the purpose of your trip to make it a fulfilling one.

  • Think about the actions and choices that need to take place to allow you to pursue that purpose.

  • Set intentions on how you plan to approach and engage with the variety of experiences and people you will encounter along the way.

  • We will provide you with information on your destination and food for thought so that you can start working on the purpose of your journey. The documentation we send you will help you set your intentions and prepare you for growth.

During Your Trip

The inward journey

  • As your adventure begins, be prepared to part with your preconceived ideas and expand out into the world.

  • Leave behind anything you do not truly need, travel light both physically and mentally.

  • Be open to rediscovering simplicity – simplicity is beauty.

The outward journey

  • Aim to positively impact the people, places, and environments you will be experiencing while learning, growing, and improving your wellbeing and quality of life.

  • Make your cultural interactions meaningful, share your perspective with others, and by being an ambassador for your own culture.

Post-Trip Follow Up

After your journey, remain connected…

Revisit your experience

  • Whether your journey helped you awaken something new inside you or shifted a belief you have, whether it helped you heal trauma or share your story with others, we will help you when you get home.

  • We assist you in following through and doing something with all of the insight and clarity you will have gleaned during your retreat or workshop.

  • We encourage you to use the inspirational experiences you had to engineer positive change in your life and the world around you.

Take your purposeful actions back home

  • Remain as open and connected to your feelings at home as you were while you were travelling.

  • Reflect on the thoughts you had on your journey and remind yourself of anything that moved or inspired you.

  • Share your progress with your facilitator and reconnect with other participants.

  • Continue to be an active participant in any charitable contributions you make, do not make it a once-off activity – true regenerative tourism is an ongoing commitment.

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